Our Story

Vintage photograph of Allie Blom seated outdoors on a chair.

Our great grandmother Allie Blom filled our hearts with a love for beautiful things - a carefully laid table under the shade of a tree in her garden, glasses clinking and the sound of gentle laughter, the scent of roses filling the air. She was happiest in her garden and loved her extensive collection of succulents and indigenous plants and grasses.

The Karoo held a special place in her heart – crisp early morning light, the muted tones of hills and mountains in the distance, rock formations, wide open spaces and early morning walks on the farm. Even though Allie lived through wars, tragic loss and heartache she always remained positive, serene and attentive to us.

She left a legacy of treasures that now hold special places in our homes - their textures and colours faded and reminiscent of the slower pace of a bygone era.

Our nostalgic handcrafted homeware has been thoughtfully created so that Allie Blom inspired treasures can also hold a special place in your home.

   Vintage photograph of Allie Blom founders and sisters, Clare Chappel and Lesley Ullrich, as young girls.    Allie Blom co-founder Clare Chappel being held as a baby by Allie Blom.    Vintage image of Allie Blom founders, Clare Chappel and Lesley Ullrich, standing close together in matching dresses as young girls.